

In the Brooder
Dec 2, 2024
Hi all! I'm a hobby chicken keeper - as most of you I guess, but I'm from Hungary. 37 yo with a husband, a 4 yo boy and a baby girl, 1.5 years in chicken keeping. Mostly for colorful eggs so far. I have a very mixed group of hens, with 2 araucanas, 2 leghorns, 2 Cream Legbars, a marans (hopefully will get another), an olive egger (also hopefully will get another), an australorp, an orpington, a wyandotte, an amrock and the rest cannot even be categoriesed (mix of mix).
Next year I'm planning to get a rooster for my ladies, and try to hatch some chicks, hopefully with success, and I might have a few questions to you, more experienced people.
Thanks for having me!

Right now I'm torn between getting a silver araucana or a Cream Legbar rooster. First of all, in Hungary not a lot of "clean araucanas" are available. A whole lot of mixes though from people not really knowing what they're doing but they know araucanas are expensive so they sell it as ara.
If you're lucky you'll have like 3 options a year for a real beauty, and if you're not fast enough someone else have already bought it (we're talking about minutes). Also, Araucanas are not layer champions, while cream legbars lay almost every day even now in the beginning of winter when non of my others did. But I like araucana looks more, and I have to say cream legbar mixes as far as I've seen seem pretty ridiculous 😅
Right now I'm torn between getting a silver araucana or a Cream Legbar rooster. First of all, in Hungary not a lot of "clean araucanas" are available. A whole lot of mixes though from people not really knowing what they're doing but they know araucanas are expensive so they sell it as ara.
If you're lucky you'll have like 3 options a year for a real beauty, and if you're not fast enough someone else have already bought it (we're talking about minutes). Also, Araucanas are not layer champions, while cream legbars lay almost every day even now in the beginning of winter when non of my others did. But I like araucana looks more, and I have to say cream legbar mixes as far as I've seen seem pretty ridiculous 😅
I've never owned Araucanas. Isn't there something about breeding tufted birds together that is an issue as well? I'm not sure how breeders work around that.

But how can you go wrong with Crested Cream Legbars? I think they are stunning. And yes, cute as heck chicks with those crests. Lovely eggs from both breeds. Thanks for the reply!
I've never owned Araucanas. Isn't there something about breeding tufted birds together that is an issue as well? I'm not sure how breeders work around that.

But how can you go wrong with Crested Cream Legbars? I think they are stunning. And yes, cute as heck chicks with those crests. Lovely eggs from both breeds. Thanks for the reply!
oh yes, there is, if you combine two tufted araucanas,
you've hit the jackpot if you have 1 chick alive from 10 eggs at the end of the growing period, because they both bring pretty fatal genetic features... But I only have 1 tufted hen, the other is not, and the from the rest of the flock rhey could be easter eggers, so that's not my main concern.

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