Hello and first of all-sorry for my not good English language.Here in my country is difficult to find cayuga ducks.I have ordered 3 ducks from seller who lives more than 500km away.I have ordered him two 1-year old females and one 1-year old drake.Today the ducks arrived.But the seller made a mistake and arrived with one 1year old drake,one 1year old female and one 70days old duckling.
Here is middle of the summer,it is very hot and I preffered not to travel the duckling extra 500km to be returned and paid and for it.
The problem is that I have not place where to live this duckling separate from my other adult ducks.My yard is very big and wide so during the day will not be a problem for the duckling to find place to hide if there are some signs of agression towards him.
But the problem is for the nights.My DUCK HOME is not very wide-4square meters for all 11 ducks.All my other ducks are female,there are not any drakes,exept newly bought cayuga drake.Most of them have relatively mild and calm temperament,exept one (it is useless to say, but of course is Khakki
)) ).Bit some of them are enormous-I have pekin female,also one half-breed between Mallard and Rouen.
The cayugas arrived before 4-5hours so it is early for some kind of conclusions but I have not seen any kind of agression from the old females towards the duckling.Only the cayuga drake sometimes peck the duckling,but not so strong and I think that it is not any kind of serious agression.
I am afraid-does some of the adult females can kill him?Or the cayga drake?
If You think that there may be some danger for the duckling-I will try to improvise some home for it for the evenings-maybe some hard paper box in which the duckling will live in room in my house for 2-3 weeks.But will be very stressful for the bird to live alone at the nights in the room in my house.
So I prefer if You think that there will not be danger-to let the duckling to sleep with adilts.
Thanks for any kinds of advices for this situation!
Here is middle of the summer,it is very hot and I preffered not to travel the duckling extra 500km to be returned and paid and for it.
The problem is that I have not place where to live this duckling separate from my other adult ducks.My yard is very big and wide so during the day will not be a problem for the duckling to find place to hide if there are some signs of agression towards him.
But the problem is for the nights.My DUCK HOME is not very wide-4square meters for all 11 ducks.All my other ducks are female,there are not any drakes,exept newly bought cayuga drake.Most of them have relatively mild and calm temperament,exept one (it is useless to say, but of course is Khakki

The cayugas arrived before 4-5hours so it is early for some kind of conclusions but I have not seen any kind of agression from the old females towards the duckling.Only the cayuga drake sometimes peck the duckling,but not so strong and I think that it is not any kind of serious agression.
I am afraid-does some of the adult females can kill him?Or the cayga drake?
If You think that there may be some danger for the duckling-I will try to improvise some home for it for the evenings-maybe some hard paper box in which the duckling will live in room in my house for 2-3 weeks.But will be very stressful for the bird to live alone at the nights in the room in my house.
So I prefer if You think that there will not be danger-to let the duckling to sleep with adilts.
Thanks for any kinds of advices for this situation!