Is it normal for a hen to walk away from her chicks for a while?


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2024
My broody silkie successfully hatched eggs for the first time. I've never had a successful broody before. I had to attend a funeral in another state right when they started to hatch, and due to some factors (aggressive flock mates, weird coop design, etc) I didn't think they or the hen would survive outside while I was gone, so they went in the shower for the days I was away. About 6 days have passed, I didn't move them immediately upon return because one still hadn't hatched. She's been a pretty good mother. I just put them back with the flock free ranging in the yard and all was well, she was being super aggressive to any encroaching hens, none tried to attack the babies, and she was showing them food, generally being a good mom. However, the minute I put feed out she just left them in a bush alone. I tried putting her back with them and she ran back to the food. She had copious starter the whole time so she wasn't hungry by any means. The babies weren't scared tucked away in the bush so I left them and came back about 10 minutes later. Still she isn't with them, she's off dust bathing. I give it another 5 minutes. Finally I hear them start to cry and look for her, and watch as she just kind of stands around barely looking for them. I pick her up and put her with them and she goes right back to mom mode, clucking at food and fighting off any surrounding hens.

Is this normal? Should I be worried about her abandoning them? Or is this just one time "mom returning to the outdoors" activity?

Oftentimes, I see the hen staying with the babies, even when brought outdoors like that. How they were in a safe place, her leaving them isn't too alarming, but I would still watch her. She might leave them early, and if she does, you'll have to take care of the chicks yourself. Watch for any aggressive behavior from her toward the chicks. If she starts pecking them in a sense that's obviously not the typical "behave, be nice to your siblings" punishment, then she's done with them and possibly isn't safe with them.
I had a broody hatch out some chicks indoors, the moment she got outside she started to leave them, foraging, dust bathing, etc. She hadn’t been outside for 30 days as her first batch was all infertile. So yeah, I think it’s normal. Just watch her in case she abandons them, and if she continues this behavior set up a brooder and raise the chicks yourself.
Edit: my rooster also mounted her, and it made her snap out of mom mode, not sure why, but she went back to normal in 5 minutes.
So far so good, she hasn't left them at all since that one instance. She still runs over to the food but if they don't follow she goes right back to them.

Unfortunately as I'd thought the coop design has been a problem, every evening I find her trying to sleep with them out in the open on the ground, so I have to go out and lock them all in a rat-proof cage in the coop every night.

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