Is it possible to merge 14 week olds with my 8 month olds?

Just Chicks

11 Years
May 28, 2013
Sherbrooke , Quebec
Can young chickens (3,14 weeks old) go live in coop after forging for over a month with the 3 older (8 month old) hens? Im not sure how to manage their food inside the coop though as the young ones have been eating grower and the older, layer…do I really have to wait until they start laying before merging? Thanks!


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If your birds have been together outside for a month they are ready to sleep in the same coop. If you are concerned about your young birds getting to much calcium feed everyone the grower (or all flock) with oyster shells on the side.
I've merged younger groups than that after a month. and as @Yardmom says, using an "All Flock" type feed w/ free choice oyster shell solves your feed problems, is better nutrition for your flock, and for the typical small flock backeyarder, will only cost you a little more each year in feed. Locally, the difference between a quality "layer" and a quality "All Flock" is about $2/50# bag at the farm store.

Obviously, if you feed organic, soy free, or similar, your price difference will be more substantial.
I've merged younger groups than that after a month. and as @Yardmom says, using an "All Flock" type feed w/ free choice oyster shell solves your feed problems, is better nutrition for your flock, and for the typical small flock backeyarder, will only cost you a little more each year in feed. Locally, the difference between a quality "layer" and a quality "All Flock" is about $2/50# bag at the farm store.

Obviously, if you feed organic, soy free, or similar, your price difference will be more substantial.
Thanks! 😊

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