Is my gosling’s weight okay?


May 7, 2022
Central TX
My goslings, 1 Buff, 1 African, both female, are 5 weeks old today. I’ve just weighed them for the first time.

My Buff gosling is a whopping 5.5 lbs and looks huge! My African gosling, however, is only 3.5 lbs. Is this normal? I know Buffs are typically a bit bigger than Africans, but is this weight okay?

They have Mazuri’s Waterfowl Starter 24/7 and get lots of grass clippings / get to free range.

It makes me wonder if my African is actually a Brown Chinese, or if my Buff is actually a gander. I got them from Metzer Farms, and they were banded correctly to what I ordered, so.. I’d hope they are correct. The low weight / weight difference just seems more than what I expected.

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