- Apr 3, 2024
- 394
- 581
- 161
Hi all!
I have a question for the breed savvy folks: can you tell what breed or mix my hen is? Midnight here was sold to me as an Australorp/Easter Egger mix (potentially). She had more feathers on her feet and legs when she was younger, and I got her at around 9 weeks old.
I recently was going through photos of breeds and discovered that Australorps don't have feathers on their feet and legs, but black copper marans do. They also don't have brown on their neck, which she does qnd blqck copper marans do. The comb I feel like could go either way. Her eggs look like Australorp though (the shiny brown one).
I have a question for the breed savvy folks: can you tell what breed or mix my hen is? Midnight here was sold to me as an Australorp/Easter Egger mix (potentially). She had more feathers on her feet and legs when she was younger, and I got her at around 9 weeks old.
I recently was going through photos of breeds and discovered that Australorps don't have feathers on their feet and legs, but black copper marans do. They also don't have brown on their neck, which she does qnd blqck copper marans do. The comb I feel like could go either way. Her eggs look like Australorp though (the shiny brown one).