Is there a conflict?


In the Brooder
Sep 24, 2024
My husband wants guineas and I want chickens. Do they get also? Can you keep them in the same coop? Or do they conflict/fight each others?
The male guineas do bully and stress out chickens. I wouldn't put them in the same coop if they couldn't have a lot of space to themselves. Male guineas are also aggressive towards humans. And be warned that guineafowl are extremely loud, tend to wander, and are very stupid. :lol:
Thank you for your reply. So is it ok to have female guineas without the male? And do they do ok free ranging or should I get a coop for them too (to sleep in)?
Thank you for your reply. So is it ok to have female guineas without the male? And do they do ok free ranging or should I get a coop for them too (to sleep in)?
I'd think they'd be happy to sleep outside as long as there are trees to roost in and you don't get a lot of snow. But if you do let them sleep wherever they want you likely won't be able to get them to do anything you want them to do. The benefit of training birds to go into a coop is the ability to catch them easily and treat injuries, etc. And there is always a risk of predation when free ranging and I think it's higher with guineas because they are stupid and run toward danger. They hide their nests pretty well but predators can still find them. Someone else will have to answer your first question as I do not have experience with keeping only females.
My sister-in-law had guineas and chickens. The chickens were confined and the guineas ran loose. They are SUPER LOUD. If you have nearby neighbors, think twice. She was on acreage but you could clearly hear them a half mile away down the road. She now only maintains chickens.
Thank you for your reply. So is it ok to have female guineas without the male? And do they do ok free ranging or should I get a coop for them too (to sleep in)?
No. The hens will non stop "buckwheat" calling for mates.

If you don't keep your guineas in a secure coop at night you will soon not have any guineas as they become food for predators.
My sister-in-law had guineas and chickens. The chickens were confined and the guineas ran loose. They are SUPER LOUD. If you have nearby neighbors, think twice. She was on acreage but you could clearly hear them a half mile away down the road. She now only maintains chickens.
Yeah, they are not only very loud but will yell almost constantly all day, unlike roosters.
My husband wants guineas and I want chickens. Do they get also? Can you keep them in the same coop? Or do they conflict/fight each others?
Read the thread Raising Guinea Fowl 101 and pay particular attention to posts made by @PeepsCA.

Guinea fowl are flock birds and do best in large groups. No, chickens do not satisfy their need to be with other guineas. Guineas have entirely different instincts than any other poultry.

I brooded my keets only with keets. I raised them only with guineas and housed the only with other guineas. I could let the guineas, chickens and turkeys all free range in the same area at the same time. Each group would keep to their own kind and leave the other poultry alone.
My sister-in-law had guineas and chickens. The chickens were confined and the guineas ran loose. They are SUPER LOUD. If you have nearby neighbors, think twice. She was on acreage but you could clearly hear them a half mile away down the road. She now only maintains chickens.
That help. Thank you
No. The hens will non stop "buckwheat" calling for mates.

If you don't keep your guineas in a secure coop at night you will soon not have any guineas as they become food for predators.
Ok. I guess they do need to be cooped up at night as I have heard coyotes before.

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