
Jun 21, 2021
I went to collect eggs and found two eggs that were speckled. I currently do not have any adults that would normally be laying speckled eggs yet I have two girls that are 12-13 weeks old. One I’m not sure exactly what she is and the other is an easter egger but I know it’s highly unlikely that the one girl could possibly be laying but I’m not sure. Any ideas? Also I found these eggs in random spots and didn’t think anything about it till I took a closer look and noticed they were different. Could they just possibly be weird orpington eggs?


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compare them with the eggs you normally get. My guess would be it's one or more of your existing layers, whose shall gland throws a speckle occasionally. My welsummer sometimes lays a speckled egg, sometimes a solid colour, and one of my hybrids does the same with a pinky fawn coloured egg.
compare them with the eggs you normally get. My guess would be it's one or more of your existing layers, whose shall gland throws a speckle occasionally. My welsummer sometimes lays a speckled egg, sometimes a solid colour, and one of my hybrids does the same with a pinky fawn coloured egg.
I’ll pay more closer attention to the eggs the next few days and see if there’s any difference or super speckled eggs. I’ve gotten an egg or two before with barely a few speckles but nothing like this where it’s completely covered both sides. I washed them too to make sure it wasn’t dirt(mud season up her and some girls track in mud) and they’re super spotted. Maybe it’s a fluke from the one girl who gave me the eggs before that barely had a spot or two but i’ll definitely keep an eye out. Thank you for the help. I didn’t know that girls could sometimes lay speckled at times and then go back to normal.
I have a welsummer Hen. Hers are a dark brown with lots of speckles on them. Mine does not lay very much. Less than our Australorp,s and Wyandotte,s.

Be careful cleaning these eggs. If you clean or rub to hard the speckles come off.

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