Is this a roo?


10 Years
Dec 10, 2009
Liberty Hill, TX
The green is an ink mark from the hatchery. I asked them to mark the breeds. I know, it's early. But this one acts different from the rest. This one is more aggressive towards me and the others. They were all sexed at the hatchery. About 2 weeks old. EE from Ideal Poultry.
I'm thinking pullet. The agression doesn't mean anything more than a strong personality at that age, so I'm basing the guess on the feathering and legs. Note I said GUESS!!!

Of course now that I'm looking at the comb.......

ETA, love the cat in your avatar!
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I can't get past the dot.

I cant tell yet. My most aggressive chick is now my favorite pullet. Even before she feathed she used to flog me: now she will sit in my lap while I am eating and try to steal food.

Give it a few weeks.
I have the same thing, my ideal chicks are only a week old but I have what looks like a black EE and that little chick will try to fight with my fingers when ever I put them in so I assumed he was a roo.

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