Is this an Ameraucana? 4 weeks old


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
Central Coast, California
I got this hen at the feed store and I was told (s)he was an Ameraucana! But (s)he looks so different from the other one in my brooder. Tail is so long and legs look thick to me?

Those Wyandottes in the background are the same age and I am up in the air at what they are looking like so far.. I think the darker one with very little white may be a boy? I dont know.. but if you happen to peek at them and have any input its really welcome.


The white one is the chicken in question! 4 weeks old.

I don't know much but wanted to say cute chicken and that the comb looks pretty substantial for 4 weeks. Possibly a roo?
Oh man.. Im going to be really upset if that chicken is a boy!
I think I was wrong! I went out at looked at mine that is that age and her comb is looking just as big! I hope someone can help you that knows what they are talking about. :)
It could be or EE. It could also be a mix. I had some chicks that looked like yours, they were white leghorn and Ameraucana. The only thing is that from what I have seen, males usually have thicker legs than females. Their combs usually turn more red quicker than females as well. Give it a few more weeks and see.
Looks like an Easter Egger to me. It is a little young to tell gender for sure, but I'm leaning towards cockerel.

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