Is this BCM a rooster?


Apr 7, 2016
Riding off into the sunset :)
My Coop
My Coop
I'm almost postive my black copper maran is a rooster. He/she is 4 months old, he hasn't crowed or mated or any thing yet. But my hens the same age haven't laid eggs either. Wanted other people's opinion on what gender they think it is. I'm hoping he's a roo.


The picture below is the one I think is a rooster with a hen for comparison.

Thanks for any help :)
How much can you narrow down age? I'm thinking pullet, especially if it's 4+ months. 

She's just a little over 4 month. I put pictures on a black copper maran thread and everyone thought it was a hen. Apparently a rooster that age would have saddle feathers and other rooster plumage. So she probably a hen, thanks for your help :)
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I know I posted a pic on the marans thread... but I wanted to put pics up of my 2 bcm roos at 17-18 weeks old, the same age as your bird.

The comb would be much more prominent at this age if it was a rooster. Even my 16 week old Ameraucanas have notably red combs now.

I'm almost postive my black copper maran is a rooster. He/she is 4 months old, he hasn't crowed or mated or any thing yet. But my hens the same age haven't laid eggs either. Wanted other people's opinion on what gender they think it is. I'm hoping he's a roo.

The picture below is the one I think is a rooster with a hen for comparison.

Thanks for any help

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