Is this bumblefoot


Dec 20, 2020
North new jersey
My chicken just started limping when i let them out this morning. Is this bumblefoot? I took a few pictures? Is there anything i can do to help? She just started limping this morning.


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I can't really tell here. But from what I've read it's good to soak their feet in a warm Epsom salt bath. If it's not a bad case it should help. Either way I'm sure you're chicken will enjoy the soak!
I can't really tell here. But from what I've read it's good to soak their feet in a warm Epsom salt bath. If it's not a bad case it should help. Either way I'm sure you're chicken will enjoy the soak!
It doesnt really look like it is


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I don’t see a bumblefoot scab or abscess. Is the chicken able to straighten the toes and walk normally? A limp can be caused by a sprained foot or leg, a sore toe, or something more serious as a vitamin B2 riboflavin deficiency, or Mareks disease.
I don’t see a bumblefoot scab or abscess. Is the chicken able to straighten the toes and walk normally? A limp can be caused by a sprained foot or leg, a sore toe, or something more serious as a vitamin B2 riboflavin deficiency, or Mareks disease.
She does walk but he toes are bent a little. It just started this morning. The roost in the coop are 8 inches off the ground.
Vinyl flooring
I use chopped straw i try to keep about half an inch but they toss it out.
The roost in the run is about 4 foot high. How do i check for injury other her foot? It seems fine no cuts.
Palpate the leg and see if she gives a reaction. Compare it to her other leg and see if you feel a difference.
She may have injured it jumping off the roost if the roost is high and/or they don't have a padded landing.

Anything to do other than see if it heals? Her foot is not fully straightening when she walks. Could this be mareks?
Anything to do other than see if it heals? Her foot is not fully straightening when she walks. Could this be mareks?
It might be it might not be.
Put her in a large crate on soft bedding inside the coop and let her rest for a few days. Then let her out and see if she's any better.

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