Is this internal pipping?


Sep 19, 2024
Need to confirm if this is internal pipping? Please see attached video. We are at day 31 of 35 for Muscovy ducklings. Over the last 2 days, We have observed the air cell dip and the eggs rocking the slightest bit. No chirps however. Over the last 3 hours, The air cell has moved more, The lines you see on the eggs were made 3 hours ago.

If this is indeed an internal pip then how much air do they have before they run out and I need to put a safety hole in?

Also the eggs have lost 2 grams of weight more than they should've and have a bit of a larger air cell which isn't too bad but considering this, Where should I put the humidity for lockdown? Based on what you see, Should I lockdown now?


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