Is this wry neck?


In the Brooder
Jul 16, 2024
I have a chicken who was attacked by a raccoon which we suspect got her right eye because she won’t open it and there was blood on the right side of her face and neck but there where no more visible injuries and on day three of her recovery we noticed something wrong about her neck.
My mom said she broke it so I look up what to do it wasn’t any help then I found out about wry neck which i don’t really know a hole lot abouti don’t think it is wry neck because she can stand and walk fine she can drink fine I haven’t really seen her eat but I’m pretty sure she is.
is it is wry neck or something else?
Did the raccoon get in at night, and is your coop and run secure now? It does sound like she has wry neck, also called torticolis or crook neck. It is a symptom of several possible problems, but in her case, it is likely neurological from her attack and head or neck injury. Giving her a small amount of scrambled or boiled egg for selenium, human vitamin E 400 IU, and a 1/4 to 1/2 tablet of human B complex daily is a good treatment for a few weeks. Walmart Spring Vally brand vitamins or Equate is inexpensive. Is she able to get enough food and water? Can you post a picture of her eye? Is it swollen shut or can you open it enough to see if the eyeball is intact? I would irrigate or flush the eye with saline solution and apply a bit of Terramycin or Neosporin ointment into the eye twice a day to prevent infection.
Did the raccoon get in at night, and is your coop and run secure now? It does sound like she has wry neck, also called torticolis or crook neck. It is a symptom of several possible problems, but in her case, it is likely neurological from her attack and head or neck injury. Giving her a small amount of scrambled or boiled egg for selenium, human vitamin E 400 IU, and a 1/4 to 1/2 tablet of human B complex daily is a good treatment for a few weeks. Walmart Spring Vally brand vitamins or Equate is inexpensive. Is she able to get enough food and water? Can you post a picture of her eye? Is it swollen shut or can you open it enough to see if the eyeball is intact? I would irrigate or flush the eye with saline solution and apply a bit of Terramycin or Neosporin ointment into the eye twice a day to prevent infection.
The coop is secure now we still need to secure there run but I’m not too worried as the raccoon has only attacked at night and I lock the chickens up at night.
I will definitely try that hopefully it works.
I don’t know about the food and water she is asleep most of the time when I check on her.


I tried opening her eye but couldn’t.
Thank you! I will definitely try your suggestions.

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