ISA Browns Roos vs Hens


11 Years
Oct 6, 2012
Hi, so I told myself I wouldn't get anymore chicks. Well it's addicting. I went to tractor supply knowing I would walk out with some. They had ISA Browns which I've never heard of until today. I read that you can sex them by color at hatch. These are a few days old. From what I've read it looks like I have 4 Roos and 3 hens. What do you think? Thanks.


Isa Browns are a type of red sexlink and they should be sexable at hatch. Those all look like pullets to me.
You'll know for sure in another week or two.
Females will feather in red with some white. Males will feather in white and get some red as they mature.
Thank you. :) I'm hoping to have one Roo out of the 7. I need to get a picture with better lighting.
You do realize that because they are a cross breed, they don't breed true and you will not get sexlinked chicks when you breed the roosters to the hens, right?
Sexlinks are a cross between to different breeds with the intent of being able to easily sex the chicks at hatching. It only works for the first generation crossing. The resulting chicks have what is called 'hybrid vigor.' The males grow a bit larger and faster than either parent breed and the pullets are exceptional layers, but those traits don't carry over to the next generation quite like the initial crossing.
I know I just like having one Roo with the hens of the same breed/hybrid. I'm not sure if I'll incubate any of the eggs.
Here are pictures with them all together. I can tell a few are Pullets. They have a little red mixed with white on their wing feathers. Others have solid white wing feathers. I can't seem to find many pictures online of ISA Brown chicks to compare them to.



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