We sell hatching eggs individually for between $5-$15 each, you can mix and match from any of our breeds to create a beautiful egg basket of your own. If having a multi colored egg basket is your aim we are your people!
If you are looking for chicks we offer chicks shipped nation wide up to 2 weeks of age. Minimum order on our chicks is 8 to guarantee live arrival, we can pad your order with free male cream legbars if need be. Cost for shipping chicks express with box and all the comforts is $45 for up to 20 chicks. For more details on our chick prices and full breed descriptions of each please visit our website http://www.alchemistfarm.com
We offer priority shipping anywhere in the states on our hatching eggs for $20 for up to 2dz eggs which includes insurance, individual bubble wrapping and nestling the eggs in sawdust for insulation and protection during travel.
Current 2017 Hatching Eggs Available:
Flat rate priority shipping of $20 every Tuesday for up to 2dz eggs, can mix and match
* American Bresse $8 ea or $80dz
* Blue, Black, Splash Bantam Cochins $5 ea or $50 dz
* Sage Egger $5 ea or $50 dz
*Crested Cream Legbar (c line x with rees line) $8 ea or $80dz
*1st import isbar (silverudds blue) $8 ea or $80 dz
*Blue, Black, Splash French Copper Marans $8 ea or $80 dz
*Golden Laced Orpingtons $10 ea or $100 dz
*American Bresse $8 ea or $80 dz
* Olive Eggers $8 ea or $80 dz
*Double Silver Laced Barnevelder (Medium Fowl, bantam cockerels over large fowl hens for greatest genetic diversity and strength. $15 ea or $150 dz
Chicks Available:
Flat Rate shipping of $45 for express, gro gel, chick box and all the comforts of travel from us to you. Up to 20 chicks per box.
* Blue, Black, Splash Bantam Cochins $15 ea straight run
* Sage Egger $10 ea straight run
*Crested Cream Legbar (c line x with rees line) Females $25 ea, males $5 ea
*1st import isbar (silverudds blue) $25 ea straight run
*Blue, Black, Splash French Copper Marans $25 ea straight run
*Golden Laced Orpingtons $25 ea straight run
*American Bresse $15 ea straight run
* Olive Eggers $15 ea straight run
*Double Silver Laced Barnevelder (Medium Fowl, bantam cockerels over large fowl hens for greatest genetic diversity and strength. $40 ea straight run
For more information about our humane breeding and hatching practices as well as extra photos of our breeding groups please visit our farm website
http://www.alchemistfarm.com Orders can be placed on our farm store http://www.alchemistfarm.com/shop or placed via private message here
We can also work around your incubating/broody hen schedule and get you on our waiting list now to ensure that eggs will be available for you when you need them most!
We take great pride in the quality of our breeding stock. All of our chickens are free range in their own zones of our land and never kept in breeding pens or inhumane conditions. We are NPIP CA-448 so you can purchase from us with confidence!
We insure all of our shipments of eggs. Should you have any problems with eggs breaking in transit simply take pictures of the box, the shipping label and the damage inside the box - send them to us and we will file a claim to you. We will resend you one set of eggs free of charge should something unfortunate happen to the first set in transit.
We accept paypal, personal checks or you can use a credit card through our online store on our website. You can PM us here for more details or email us for swiftest service at [email protected]
Interested in our other rare breeds? Check out our website: http://www.alchemistfarm.com
Or like our Facebook to take part in farm updates, learn about our farming practices and be notified of contests!
Some more info on our farm: Alchemist Farm is based in Sebastopol California and is a humane hatchery. None of our male chicks are culled at birth, all are given homes to families who are looking for roosters or are impoverished and use them for food. Our breeding groups are kept in separate pastures on our 4 acre parcel and are never put into breeding pens or cages - they are free to do what chickens do best. Peck around in the sunshine and get some good dust baths!
We do not vaccinate for Mareks disease, instead we humanly cull any birds that show signs of the disease (so far it has been two in three years) so their genetics are not in our breeding groups. We fortify all of our birds immune systems of vitamins, electrolytes, minerals and propolis so they can fight off anything that comes their way and build a natural resistance. All birds are kept in stress free environments, this also helps their overall health and well being!
If you are looking for chicks we offer chicks shipped nation wide up to 2 weeks of age. Minimum order on our chicks is 8 to guarantee live arrival, we can pad your order with free male cream legbars if need be. Cost for shipping chicks express with box and all the comforts is $45 for up to 20 chicks. For more details on our chick prices and full breed descriptions of each please visit our website http://www.alchemistfarm.com
We offer priority shipping anywhere in the states on our hatching eggs for $20 for up to 2dz eggs which includes insurance, individual bubble wrapping and nestling the eggs in sawdust for insulation and protection during travel.

Current 2017 Hatching Eggs Available:
Flat rate priority shipping of $20 every Tuesday for up to 2dz eggs, can mix and match

* American Bresse $8 ea or $80dz
* Blue, Black, Splash Bantam Cochins $5 ea or $50 dz
* Sage Egger $5 ea or $50 dz
*Crested Cream Legbar (c line x with rees line) $8 ea or $80dz
*1st import isbar (silverudds blue) $8 ea or $80 dz
*Blue, Black, Splash French Copper Marans $8 ea or $80 dz
*Golden Laced Orpingtons $10 ea or $100 dz
*American Bresse $8 ea or $80 dz
* Olive Eggers $8 ea or $80 dz
*Double Silver Laced Barnevelder (Medium Fowl, bantam cockerels over large fowl hens for greatest genetic diversity and strength. $15 ea or $150 dz
Chicks Available:
Flat Rate shipping of $45 for express, gro gel, chick box and all the comforts of travel from us to you. Up to 20 chicks per box.
* Blue, Black, Splash Bantam Cochins $15 ea straight run
* Sage Egger $10 ea straight run
*Crested Cream Legbar (c line x with rees line) Females $25 ea, males $5 ea
*1st import isbar (silverudds blue) $25 ea straight run
*Blue, Black, Splash French Copper Marans $25 ea straight run
*Golden Laced Orpingtons $25 ea straight run
*American Bresse $15 ea straight run
* Olive Eggers $15 ea straight run
*Double Silver Laced Barnevelder (Medium Fowl, bantam cockerels over large fowl hens for greatest genetic diversity and strength. $40 ea straight run
For more information about our humane breeding and hatching practices as well as extra photos of our breeding groups please visit our farm website
http://www.alchemistfarm.com Orders can be placed on our farm store http://www.alchemistfarm.com/shop or placed via private message here
We can also work around your incubating/broody hen schedule and get you on our waiting list now to ensure that eggs will be available for you when you need them most!
We take great pride in the quality of our breeding stock. All of our chickens are free range in their own zones of our land and never kept in breeding pens or inhumane conditions. We are NPIP CA-448 so you can purchase from us with confidence!
We insure all of our shipments of eggs. Should you have any problems with eggs breaking in transit simply take pictures of the box, the shipping label and the damage inside the box - send them to us and we will file a claim to you. We will resend you one set of eggs free of charge should something unfortunate happen to the first set in transit.
We accept paypal, personal checks or you can use a credit card through our online store on our website. You can PM us here for more details or email us for swiftest service at [email protected]
Interested in our other rare breeds? Check out our website: http://www.alchemistfarm.com
Or like our Facebook to take part in farm updates, learn about our farming practices and be notified of contests!

Some more info on our farm: Alchemist Farm is based in Sebastopol California and is a humane hatchery. None of our male chicks are culled at birth, all are given homes to families who are looking for roosters or are impoverished and use them for food. Our breeding groups are kept in separate pastures on our 4 acre parcel and are never put into breeding pens or cages - they are free to do what chickens do best. Peck around in the sunshine and get some good dust baths!
We do not vaccinate for Mareks disease, instead we humanly cull any birds that show signs of the disease (so far it has been two in three years) so their genetics are not in our breeding groups. We fortify all of our birds immune systems of vitamins, electrolytes, minerals and propolis so they can fight off anything that comes their way and build a natural resistance. All birds are kept in stress free environments, this also helps their overall health and well being!
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