Issues, Needing opinions


11 Years
Jun 23, 2013
The Big Island/Hawaii
The 3 hens (WTG, WTB/Marans and EE) are about a year & 7mons, have been together since they were chicks. The WTG is the "alfa" , the EE is the biggest but the lowest in pecking order and the WTB mix was her shadow, up until a few months ago. I do monthly "checks" of feet, clip nails, dust with permethrin & over all check. Few months ago the WTG would chase the WTB mix when I released her from her check, she's never chased either in the past.

Then in May the WTB Mix laid a "membrane" egg, has laid another in July & 2 in September. Other than that, her eggs are regular but the shape started getting out of shape. They are fed Flock Raiser (fermented) separate dishes of grit & Oyster Shells (100%). Last week she has laid "membrane" eggs 3 days in a row, gave her Calcium (Carbonate 600mg w/D 400IU) on Saturday (Oct 7), her egg on Sunday was good, odd shaped & heavier than usual. Skipped giving her a tablet Sunday, Monday another "membrane" egg. Gave her another tablet (cut in half) at noon Monday, this morning a soft shelled egg and found half a tablet in the shavings while picking up poop.

ISSUES: 1) Yesterday I kicked the WTG, she kept going after the WTB Mix while I tried catching her to give the tablet, then came after me ... I kicked her (not happy with myself) and I hurt her. She used her R/wing as a crutch; limping, holding her leg up; don't feel any break nor bruising but she's sitting & not wanting to walk but laid her egg in the nest box which is off the ground. This morning she's still sitting more than walking, limping but using her leg more when she does move, her attitude is alot more pleasant/calm ... Think I'd rather she be nasty and not hurt ... Gave her a baby aspirin, thinking should be about a week before she's 100%?

2) Why is she "attacking" the WTB Mix when they were buddies the past year?
Now she leaves the EE alone, what's changed, the egg issue the WTB Mix is having?

3) What more can I do for the WTB Mix? I don't mind the "membrane" eggs that they eat but praying no egg binding/break. I'm going to try giving her a tablet everyday and see if it helps. Not sure what else to do, ideas?


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Not sure about the other issues but if birds need calcium supplements you need to consistently provide them during laying season. She may not need it daily but starting off daily for at least 2-3 weeks to get her consistent would be a start, then you can gradually try tapering off and seeing if you still get good results, i.e. every other day for 2 weeks, maybe every third day for 2 weeks, etc. If shell quality declines put her back on the previous dosage and keep her on it consistently until she's not actively laying.

Hmm, actually I'll take a shot at #2 as well. Pecking order is a fluid thing so it changes over time. You only have the 3 birds? How large is the run, and is there multiple feeders and plenty of clutter to break up the space, to help minimize conflict.
Their CH is 8x12x7 ... The dynamics have changed too; they're not eating all their morning feed (fermented) so I've been tossing crumbles late afternoon & they love that ... Guess something different? I use a large plastic dog bowl for their feeding; EE is always the first at the bow when I place it down but not now ... They eventually eat but not finishing by evening. The WTG is moving around more, not using her wing as a crutch, limping but still sitting more than mobile & no bossing. The WTG always checks the nest box after each exits ... She monitors the other two alot prior to being hurt, the WTB Mix will sit with her. I'm not used to the calmness going on.

Gave her another aspirin, thinking 3 days should be enough? Gave the WTB Mix another tablet, 3 days in a row, she laid a good egg today after 2 days of sitting but no egg. WTG is laying & they are molting.

I feel terrible to have hurt her ... She's come at me in the past but several good shoves usually changes her mind. Never seen her this persistent and "angry" ... I was wrong to kick her :(

Thank you for your help.
Not sure about the other issues but if birds need calcium supplements you need to consistently provide them during laying season. She may not need it daily but starting off daily for at least 2-3 weeks to get her consistent would be a start, then you can gradually try tapering off and seeing if you still get good results, i.e. every other day for 2 weeks, maybe every third day for 2 weeks, etc. If shell quality declines put her back on the previous dosage and keep her on it consistently until she's not actively laying.

Hmm, actually I'll take a shot at #2 as well. Pecking order is a fluid thing so it changes over time. You only have the 3 birds? How large is the run, and is there multiple feeders and plenty of clutter to break up the space, to help minimize conflict.
UPDATE & needing opinions ...

WTG is fine, hasn't "challenged" me since and leaving the WTB mix alone.

WTB mix getting half a tablet of calcium daily, last month there were less "wet" spots under the roost. Earlier this month she laid a "good" egg although shape was off. Nothing's off with her except her "soft" shells, I continue with half the calcium to avoid her becoming egg bound. She is now laying 2 eggs a week, haven't found any signs of eaten or soft shell eggs. Hopefully she's on the rebound.

I'm also thinking maybe her problem is molt ... I'm still finding feather in the CH and wondering if eventually she'll be over this issue. Also considering changing feed from Flock Raiser (100% Oyster Shells free feed) to a Layer 20% (continue with the OS) although I've never had issues her laying prior to when I started finding feathers in the CH, so thinking maybe it's a molt issue? Or is it wishful thinking?

I had planned on rehoming all 3 next year due to my shoulders not what it used to be, making it difficult to do things. I was thinking maybe selling the 2 layers & keeping the WTB mix as a pet in a smaller coop in the patio, knowing they're flock bird not sure it's wise. I could give her with the rest but she probably be culled, of course she's my favorite & has the best personality. Opinions welcomed ...
I've never had issues her laying prior to when I started finding feathers in the CH, so thinking maybe it's a molt issue?
Birds near molt or molting can lay wonky eggs (though I've never had a molting bird lay), so entirely possible.

As far as the rehoming issue, it'd be best if they could all go together. Maybe if you explain to the new owner that she requires regular calcium supplements while laying, they won't mind since it's fairly cheap and a pretty easy thing to do, no worse than giving a pill to a dog.
Birds near molt or molting can lay wonky eggs (though I've never had a molting bird lay), so entirely possible.

As far as the rehoming issue, it'd be best if they could all go together. Maybe if you explain to the new owner that she requires regular calcium supplements while laying, they won't mind since it's fairly cheap and a pretty easy thing to do, no worse than giving a pill to a dog.
Thank you for responding ... I'll be needing to purchase feed in a few weeks, decided to switch to a "Hawaiian Grain 20% Laying Pellets" I happen upon to at TSC while walking their warehouse, "Manufactured by Purina Animal Nutrition LLC". I emailed them for more information and they've been good about responding within a week. Cost wise close to what I'm paying for Flock Raiser.

Having overthinking this whole issue of rehoming, thinking as you, believe it's best to keep them together. Informing the person of her issue IF changing feed & end of molt presents no change for her.

Thank you, appreciate your taking the time ... Merry Christmas & Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year of good health and happiness.


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