Hello, so long story short I am planning on starting a breeding trio of Japanese bantams, but I am not sure of whether or not my main hen and rooster I intend to use are actually Japanese bantams. I raised my main hen from 4 weeks old from a neighbor who bred Japanese and Seramas. My Rooster, I got a month ago, is from another neighbor who raised quite a few different bantams. I also am not sure of the age of him. I may let them breed to see the color combos, but in case I decided to sell some chicks I would love to know for sure. Thanks for your help!
My unknown hen Goldie, I'm leaning more towards Serama
My Rooster, Rey, along side another Japanese bantam from the same breeder who shows more breed qualities as she get older.
Goldie and Rey together.
My unknown hen Goldie, I'm leaning more towards Serama
My Rooster, Rey, along side another Japanese bantam from the same breeder who shows more breed qualities as she get older.
Goldie and Rey together.