Jersey Giant or Australorp??


8 Years
Apr 6, 2011
I posted about my chickens in another thread but I am looking for a broader perspective on the last remaining suspicious chickie.

"Big Black" is almost 10 weeks old and she is either a Jersey Giant or Australorp. Her size compared to the rest of the girls, who are the same age, says Giant. The undersides of her feet say Australorp they are pinkish whitish not yellow...What do you think?!

Meet Big Black, she is a tough cookie and leader of the pack. She is not a huge fan of DH or I yet.

her feet like I mentioned.

her compared to the rest.

her again, her feathers are VERY dark with a very strong green sheen to them.

So what do you think? It would be neat to have a Giant just to see how big she will get. Then again I will be happy either way, I wasn't picky to begin with.
what a cute baby!
Australorp it is...I felt pretty confident when I finally took a close look at her feet that she is an australorp...Maybe she'll just be a big girl forever
Our BA is big and beautiful! She is also the bossy leader of the flock. We don't have a roo but Precious watches out for her sisters and sounds the alarm call if she sees danger approaching. She's also a great layer of medium brown eggs that are often speckled!
Our girl is definitely the Queen Bee too....She is bossy alright, she gets this look in her eye when we are trying to pick her up and boy when we do she lets us know her displeasure...Her feathers stick practically straight out, one tough mama. I can't wait for her yummy eggs! Or at least I hope she'll lay, I know sometimes the head Hen stops laying when she becomes the "rooster" of the group.
Our girl is definitely the Queen Bee too....She is bossy alright, she gets this look in her eye when we are trying to pick her up and boy when we do she lets us know her displeasure...Her feathers stick practically straight out, one tough mama. I can't wait for her yummy eggs! Or at least I hope she'll lay, I know sometimes the head Hen stops laying when she becomes the "rooster" of the group.

That hasn't been our experience. Our BA took a break from laying over the winter but is back at it full steam. She lays 5-6 eggs per week. But she is very particular about which nest box she uses. We have 3 and she doesn't use the same one each time. She usually wants the one that another hen is in and kicks them out. Then she pancakes down and warns everyone else to back off while she is doing her business. I sure hope she doesn't go broody on us anytime soon!

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