Jun 29, 2016 #1 SonnyLTPI In the Brooder Mar 29, 2016 82 2 48 Bataan, Philippines Slate legs with yellow soles check.
Jun 29, 2016 #2 RhodeRunner Songster 11 Years Feb 22, 2009 1,548 182 231 Ashtabula, Ohio The picture is blurry, but due to the tail I would say cockerel. Also, does it have a single comb? The blur makes it look more like a rose or cushion?
The picture is blurry, but due to the tail I would say cockerel. Also, does it have a single comb? The blur makes it look more like a rose or cushion?
Jun 29, 2016 #3 Poultry parent Songster Jun 1, 2016 1,778 215 146 A small county in Virginia jersey giants don't have that kind of comb
Jun 29, 2016 #4 Gray Farms Conserve Heritage Breed Livestock 8 Years Apr 11, 2016 14,442 19,295 677 NW Missouri Need a clearer shot please. And a close shot of his/her face.
Jun 29, 2016 Thread starter #5 SonnyLTPI In the Brooder Mar 29, 2016 82 2 48 Bataan, Philippines Will not stay still 16 weeks? Comb is straight just had fallen prior to delivery
Jun 29, 2016 #6 browngrub Chirping 8 Years Apr 29, 2014 28 1 77 Central texas Here are some pics of my almost 4 month old giants. You can tell by the comb which is male and female. the pullets comb hasn't grown out yet.
Here are some pics of my almost 4 month old giants. You can tell by the comb which is male and female. the pullets comb hasn't grown out yet.