Jersey Giant


Jun 6, 2024
Southeastern US
I have a female jersey giant that a friend picked up for me from tractor supply company. She is a rather light bird, she is smaller than my buff Orpington who is the same age as her. It’s odd though because the jersey Giants that my friend got for herself are bigger. Is she just a small jersey giant or is she possibly another type of chicken?Is she just taking a while to develop?I will post a picture later.
What Silverbids suggested could be entirely possible. Equally possible IMO is the fact your bird was simply not bred with the standard in mind. Hatchery stock are not a good representation of the breed. Quantity over quality and all...
What color are the bottoms of her feet? She could be a Black Australorp maybe. Or she could be slow maturing or just not up to standard.
In general, birds that came from a hatchery are not going to have the same potential to grow large as Jersey Giants from a conscientious breeder. I have spoken to several people who are disappointed in the size of their Jersey Giants. In almost every case, the birds came from a hatchery/farm store. The few I've talked to with birds from a breeder got their start from hatchery stock.

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