Nats Chickens
Free Ranging
I have a seriously bullied, almost 2 year old hen. She has a BFF, Belle, but the other all pic on her, except for Sherbet. We are building a new chicken coop with a run, so they will no longer be 24/7 free ranging. I think that this might increase the bullying, even though the run will be 12mx6m, including the coop. We are tearing down the old coop, and using bits of it to make a door for our new coop. I am thinking of using the spare parts to make a new guinea pig hutch, then move Jewel and a chosen 'other', into the chicken coop the guinea pigs are currently living in, which our chickens first lived in. The only thing is, I don't know who to move her in with! I only want her to have 1 friend, so that she has a higher status, and so they bond really closely. She is very haggered looking, with almost no 'eyebrows'. I will post a list of flock members, and I would love your opinion on who should be her BFF. Tagging @Butterscotchbitesfinger and @speckledhen
Bottom of the pecking order, continually bullied.
Jewel's best friend and protector, but also Top Chook, removing her could cause anarchy.
Hates Jewel, Second in command, bullies Jewel badly, constantly pulling out her 'eyebrows' and chasing her.
Bullies Jewel, always chasing her and is 3rd in the pecking order.
Chases Jewel pulling her neck feathers, is quite mean.
Doesn't seem to bother Jewel much, but they don't seem to be "besties" or anything, is good friends with Mini and 5th in command, I think.
7th in the pecking order, gets along with Jewel nicely, doesn't bully her at all.
Pecks Jewel occasionally, but not bullying or anything, great friends with Nim, so would hate to be separated. 6th in command.

Bottom of the pecking order, continually bullied.
Jewel's best friend and protector, but also Top Chook, removing her could cause anarchy.
Hates Jewel, Second in command, bullies Jewel badly, constantly pulling out her 'eyebrows' and chasing her.
Bullies Jewel, always chasing her and is 3rd in the pecking order.
Chases Jewel pulling her neck feathers, is quite mean.
Doesn't seem to bother Jewel much, but they don't seem to be "besties" or anything, is good friends with Mini and 5th in command, I think.
7th in the pecking order, gets along with Jewel nicely, doesn't bully her at all.
Pecks Jewel occasionally, but not bullying or anything, great friends with Nim, so would hate to be separated. 6th in command.