Karen’s Conundrum


May 11, 2024
Hi all!

Let me start by saying if I posted this in the wrong spot please forgive me and gladly direct me in the right direction lol!!

I am still pretty new to having chickens. Let me just say I am head over heels in love with my girls! Our little flock all started with an orphaned chick from my husband’s job and we have now grown to a total of 4 beauties. 3 of our girls came from a feed supply store and are red sexlinks? Does that sound right? Karen was our orphan and is black and seems to be maybe a bantam? She’s WAY smaller than the other 3. Someone on here said Karen is likely a mixed breed since she was a wild bird. When I originally posted, Karen was just a few weeks old and now.. as of Friday - she laid her first egg and has given me 2 so far YAYYYYY! Anyhow, I’m learning a lot as these girls grow. They are all about 20 weeks old and their little personalities are coming out so much. I’m also starting to notice details which the red hens have and Karen does not have. Now comes to anxious helicopter mom question… Karen has an almost nonexistent comb and absolutely zero wattle. Is this concerning? Should I be worried? I did a little research and see the bearded breeds can have little to no wattle but she is absolutely not one of those lol! She almost looks like a cross between a turkey vulture and a turkey! I am attaching 2 pics of me holding Karen. You can see from the pics that her comb is itty bitty and I tried hard but.. couldn’t get a pic of where the wattle should be. I just need to know if she’s ok or if I should be worried. My husband keeps teasing and saying she looks like she was swapped at birth lol. Help ease my mind please!


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I noticed yesterday that Karen’s comb and wattle are growing a little bigger now! Maybe I will get lucky and she will let me snap a pic lol
It takes a little while for the comb & wattles to grow. Some birds grow fast:

and others slow:

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