Keeping call ducks indoor??


In the Brooder
Sep 22, 2021
Hi all,

I currently live in a townhouse without yard but I have a spare room in my house that I can use for whatever I want. Will keeping a couple of drakes possible indoor? (As I think they’re way more quiet than female) I have a park nearby me that I can walk them daily and I know there’s different solutions like diapers for house ducks. A lot of people mention waterfowl are very hard to take care of. I can also fill bathtub up or get a pool in the room I mentioned before too, and I know they can’t walk on hard surface so I plan to use pine shaving for their area. Will those chicken coop on Amazon work well as a house for them? Also can call duck be harness trained as I see a lot of people harness trained their normal size ducks. Lastly I want to know is it necessary to clip their wings? Especially in an indoor situation I do feel bad taking away their flight ability. I currently also own three doves and two conures so I do have basic knowledge on taking care of birds.

Thank you for reading this.
I personally don't think call ducks are the ducks your looking for, they really don't enjoy being held.
Even when they’re raised from ducklings? I mean I’m not gonna cuddle them every moment but I do want to touch them sometimes.
The reason most people don't think ducks belong indoors is because of the sheer amount of mess they make.
It would be possible to keep your ducks indoors, but it's not going to be easy to set up something convenient for you to keep everything clean, and it wouldn't be as nice for them as having access to the outdoors.
I don't have call ducks so I can't speak on their personality. I just know they are super adorable. 🥰
Personally I don't really think that's a good idea, mostly based on how messy they are. There would be water and poop everywhere and it would smell regardless on how much you clean it. And if there was no pool they would be very unhappy.
And taking them outside in public doesn't really sound like a good idea just based on how irresponsible people can be. If someone had a loose dog, your ducks wouldn't stand a chance. And I would also be afraid of them escaping and being impossible to catch.
ducks need to be outside during the day, if you don’t have a yard do not get ducks. my ducks are pets, they do not sleep in an outside coop at night, but spend all day outside being ducks like they NEED to do. if you want a bird that can be indoors parrots, pigeons, etc are a way better option (do lots of research though)
I've raised my Calls from hatch. They cannot stand being picked up or coddled. They only tolerate a pet or two.

If you live in a townhouse, it would be best to stick with pets suitable for that type of home. Not livestock that really needs to live outside.
i completely agree ducks need to spend their days outside. but you just didn’t spend enough time with your ducks for them to be friendly, any breed will be the best pets if you spend enough time with them. i cuddle my ducks daily and even take them places with me and they are 100% human friendly

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