Nothing could have ever prepared me for the emotional toll taking care of even a small flock can have on you. I tend to struggle with anxiety over health related issues, so when my chickens inevitably go through patches of illness and troubles, I began to feel hopeless and scared to go and clean the coop every day, fearful that I would discover one of my chickens sick or even dead.
In 4 years I have experienced chickens with cancer, egg binding, respitory illness, bumblefoot, and crop impaction in several of my hens. And I only have 4 hens!!!
However I feel like when these health problems arise they equip my mind to deal with future, more serious issues and help reduce my anxiety each time. Although these problems cause me days of stress and some of my hen's health issues may never change, learning to tackle problems as they arise has helped me a lot.
So if you feel like you keep experiencing stressful illnesses back-to-back with your flock as a inexperienced chicken owner like me, dont give up
In 4 years I have experienced chickens with cancer, egg binding, respitory illness, bumblefoot, and crop impaction in several of my hens. And I only have 4 hens!!!
However I feel like when these health problems arise they equip my mind to deal with future, more serious issues and help reduce my anxiety each time. Although these problems cause me days of stress and some of my hen's health issues may never change, learning to tackle problems as they arise has helped me a lot.
So if you feel like you keep experiencing stressful illnesses back-to-back with your flock as a inexperienced chicken owner like me, dont give up