Need some ideas to help keep my toms out of the nest boxes when the girls are laying…and just in general. All of my next boxes are on the ground…I have no way to put them up higher. I had one Tom squeeze between a hardware cloth wall and a slanted board…only about 8” of space…to reach the 2 girls in the nesting box. I am afraid if I move the board closer to the hardware cloth wall, the girls won’t be able to fit in. I also have 2 boxes (about 20x20) that I have made smaller/shorter by screwing a board along the top, but the boys just duck down and still fit in it. I don’t have room to put a slanted board on them because it would block one of my entry doors to the inside of the pen. I will try to post pics later this morning (it’s too dark out right now), but if anyone has pictures or knows of a website with pics of what people have done to keep the toms out, that would be very helpful.