Khaki Campbell gender


May 6, 2017
My husband and I purchased 2 Khakis from Rural King about a month ago. Trying to research and determine if I have drakes or ducks,(leaning towards girls)not sure about the whole bill/bean theory (one is obviously darker but the lighter one has a greener beak,but no big difference between neck/body color), both have somewhat orange coloration on legs and No tail curl yet on either. The quacking theory cant really tell unfortnately due to my severe hearing loss...Not sure how old they are but they were bigger/at least a week or 2 when we got them. Anyone want to take a guess?
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I dont think the bean color can tell you anything at this age
I had 3 khakis-
2 with dark beans: one ended up a girl and one a boy
One with pinkish colored bean turned out a girl.
If you can get a clearer picture of their back. The feathers on lower back above tail.
Yours both look like boys from what i can see.
This area will be all darker brown in males
Penciled color like the rest of their feathers in females.
There is a khaki campbell thread with really good photos that shows what im talking about.
If i can get some of my pictures to load i will.
If you can get a photo a little closer of their backs it would help.
But from the current photos both look like drakes

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