Kidnapping a chick!

Shamo Hybrid

Jun 6, 2018
I plan to kidnap a chick, a lone chick..... you see, he was the only leftover egg that Mother Hen sat on and hatched while his siblings were all hatched by yours truly in an incubator. And those that I've hatched, they are all very tame, would run up to me and everything with no worries at all. The little one, who I call, "Loner" is different. He's about 3 or 4 weeks younger than the one's I've hatched and was reared by his mother so he's very wary of my presence and won't come near me at all. I plan to kidnap him and bring him in for a few days or so to get acquainted, and hopefully tame that little misfit...... do you think I should? Or just let the little booger be? I'm just afraid that if I don't try to tame him now, when he gets older he'll stick to his ways of avoiding me.
he smart chicle moms teach him good be scare of you! keep him with moms u are mean. u got other one u can make pet of u dont need him.
If you know for sure it's a he... I would suggest instead to keep him wary of you instead of close to you. A wary rooster will be probably less aggressive. A close rooster has a higher chance of becoming aggressive to you down the road.
X2 leave him with mom. I had an extremely skittish chick that turned out to be a hen, I left her alone and she mellowed out and is very friendly now. She will follow me everywhere :) if it is a roo you won't have aggression problems.
I plan to kidnap a chick, a lone chick..... you see, he was the only leftover egg that Mother Hen sat on and hatched while his siblings were all hatched by yours truly in an incubator. And those that I've hatched, they are all very tame, would run up to me and everything with no worries at all. The little one, who I call, "Loner" is different. He's about 3 or 4 weeks younger than the one's I've hatched and was reared by his mother so he's very wary of my presence and won't come near me at all. I plan to kidnap him and bring him in for a few days or so to get acquainted, and hopefully tame that little misfit...... do you think I should? Or just let the little booger be? I'm just afraid that if I don't try to tame him now, when he gets older he'll stick to his ways of avoiding me.

I’d leave him with the mother. It would be very stressful on both monther hen and chick to take him away. All my hens have been raised by broody mothers and they all are very tame.

I'm not even sure if I can catch that little runt even if I tried..... he's quick like a mongoose! I tried it before, little guy is smart he knows when I'm slowly stalking him giving him the side eyes and he'll run and duck behind Mother Hen. I tried luring him with treats, that didn't work either. I'm thinking I need to set a little trap in there and catch him like a rare Pokemon.
I'm not even sure if I can catch that little runt even if I tried..... he's quick like a mongoose! I tried it before, little guy is smart he knows when I'm slowly stalking him giving him the side eyes and he'll run and duck behind Mother Hen. I tried luring him with treats, that didn't work either. I'm thinking I need to set a little trap in there and catch him like a rare Pokemon.
It will be stressful to take him away for both mother and baby! He\she will be much better off if you leave them together.
Shamo have so many friends already why put this young one through the momma-drama. You could impact his physique and self esteem. He’d become a loner wanting desperately to crawl back into his shell. He could develop a complex and later in life be the true life story in the “Hallmark” Movie Of the Week. For the love of all things winged & eatable don’t do it...just step away from the chick.
Breathe deep....and step away.
You got this...easy...easy now.

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