Knitting question


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. I am making a pair of bootees
On Row 7 it says as follows: With Color B k 8, dec 2 sts, k 17, dec 2 sts, k8. (OK. I understand so far.) Continue in this manner to work 2-sf every other row above previous dec and alternate colors....... What does 2-sf mean? Is it a misprint? What? If necessary, I could post the whole pattern if that would help.
I am not sure if this is the right place to post this. I am making a pair of bootees
On Row 7 it says as follows: With Color B k 8, dec 2 sts, k 17, dec 2 sts, k8. (OK. I understand so far.) Continue in this manner to work 2-sf every other row above previous dec and alternate colors....... What does 2-sf mean? Is it a misprint? What? If necessary, I could post the whole pattern if that would help.
@TwoCrows might know.

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