Knitting question


Free Ranging
15 Years
Mar 19, 2009
I am making, or trying to, a pair of knitted bootees for myself. I am having trouble understanding some of the directions.

On Row 7 it says as follows: With Color B k 8, dec 2 sts, k 17, dec 2 sts, k8. (OK. I understand so far.) Continue in this manner to work 2-sf every other row above previous dec and alternate colors....... What does 2-sf mean? Is it a misprint? What? If necessary, I could post the whole pattern if that would help. Any help would be appreciated.
I am making, or trying to, a pair of knitted bootees for myself. I am having trouble understanding some of the directions.

On Row 7 it says as follows: With Color B k 8, dec 2 sts, k 17, dec 2 sts, k8. (OK. I understand so far.) Continue in this manner to work 2-sf every other row above previous dec and alternate colors....... What does 2-sf mean? Is it a misprint? What? If necessary, I could post the whole pattern if that would help. Any help would be appreciated.
I am thinking it may mean "slip front" as in slip to the front. If that doesn't make sense, it may help to post the pattern + perhaps a photo of the finished item. That is certainly not a traditional abbreviation!
Here is the full pattern. I hope this helps.

SIZE: One size fits all

MATERIALS: Knitting worsted: One skein (3 0z) Color A, One skein (3 oz) Color B
Knitting needles: One pair 11 or English needles 2

GAUGE: 3 sts = 1"

NOTE: Work with 2 strands throughout

Starting with cuff and color A, cast on 51 sts

1st row: k 11, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso (2 sts decreased), k 23, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 11

2nd row and all even numbered rows: k across

3rd row: k 10, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 21, sl 1, k 2 tog, psso, k 10

5th row: k 9, dec 2 sts as before, k19, dec 2 sts, k 9

7th row: With B k 8, dec 2 sts, k17, dec 2 sts, k 8. Continue in this manner to work two 2-sf every other row above previous dec and alternate colors, working 3 ridges A and 3 ridges B. Work until 3 sts remain. Leave sts on needle. Break off.

Feet: Starting with cast-on row with B and free needle, pick up and knit 12 sts along one side edge of work, k 3 cuff sts, pick up and k 12sts along other side of work (27 sts).

Next row: K 12, inc 1 st as follows: With tip of right needle pull up yarn between sts and place loop on left needle, k through back part of loop; (k 1, inc 1 as before) 3 times; k 12, k 1 row.

Next row: k 13, inc 1 as before, k 1 (seam st), inc 1, k 3, inc 1, k 1 (seam st), inc 1, k 13, k 1 row

Next row: k 14, inc 1, k seam st, inc 1, inc 1, k 5, inc 1, k seam st, inc 1, k 14. Continue in this manner to k every row and work increases before and after each seam st every other row. Work with B until 7 ridges are completed, then with A for 3 more ridges (67 sts).

Next row: K 32, k 2 tog (33 sts on each needle). Weave edges together.

Sew back seam, leaving 3" open at top of cuff.

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