Know where to splint this???


9 Years
Dec 23, 2010
LIke usual, we were letting the newest members out of their area to stretch in the grass for a couple hours and this happened. We don't know how, but we need advice on how to fix him.... He's eating, pooping, running; all the normals. It looks like he is bow-legged, but I know it's more than that!
Anyone know why this happened? Where to splint it? General 'what should I do'??? Please help!
interesting.. and he is still running around? how much of a limp has he got? .. is that bump actually bone because it shouldn't be if he is still running.. ..:} maybe just swelling or i guess very maybe a supported fracture.. treatment is tricky, you could treat with just some compression or support or because of its unusual nature it might be better to give him movement. A good suggestion in any case is to curtail his activity a bit, lock him in a crate out of the way or if he stresses put a girlie in with him.. hope there is someone out there who has seen this before:) and can tell us both what it is:)
good luck
It's a lot of swelling. I researched it and from what I read was a tendon out of place and that I could stretch it out, like he was stetching his legs from sleeping, and it would pop back into place...well, it did not!! Yes, Anyone out there that has had a leg/knee dislocation where it makes the roo look bow-legged, please let me know what to do!!

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