

In the Brooder
May 15, 2024

Does anyone know where I can get LA 200 injectable antibiotics? I lost one of my hens last week and since then all but five of my chickens are sick. Swollen eyes, nasal drainage (not clear), not eating or drinking, barely moving and diarrhea. From what I have read it could be CRD. I was giving them tiagard in their water and putting VetRX and Terramycin ointment on their eyes. Since they are not eating or drinking now I’m just doing vetrx and ointment. I don’t want to lose anymore. Can someone please help?


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Does anyone know where I can get LA 200 injectable antibiotics? I lost one of my hens last week and since then all but five of my chickens are sick. Swollen eyes, nasal drainage (not clear), not eating or drinking, barely moving and diarrhea. From what I have read it could be CRD. I was giving them tiagard in their water and putting VetRX and Terramycin ointment on their eyes. Since they are not eating or drinking now I’m just doing vetrx and ointment. I don’t want to lose anymore. Can someone please help?

Thank you.. the problem is they are not eating or drinking so I need an injectable antibiotic. I tried to give them antibiotics in their water but they aren’t getting enough to be affective thru a syringe without a needle.

Sorry about your birds.
Is there a bad odor with this illness?

Tiagard (Tiamulin) should treat Mycoplasma (CRD). IF the birds are not drinking/eating well, then tubing the medicated water into them would be a good idea along with tubing food.

Oxytetracycline (LA-200) may help, do consider that injections may cause site necrosis.

The links and suggestions to Jedd's above are good ones. The Baytril (Enrofloxacin) can be given orally, not mixed in with water. It's the strongest antibiotic.
Since you may have to order medications, I would finish the course of Tiagard, just syringe or tube the water into the birds, keep them hydrated and fed.

You may not be dealing with Mycoplasma, there's many different diseases and not all can be treated with medication. If you lose anymore, it would be a very good idea to get testing so you know exactly what you are dealing with and can get the appropriate treatment(s), if any.

If you want LA-200, then you should be able to order it online, a simple google search gave me quick results in finding it.
You don’t need a needle, you can administer medication orally by syringe directly into the crop.

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