
In the Brooder
Good day. I have a Black Boven laying hen named Molly. She has a very large hard lump the size of a softball on what looks to be her chest and so I'm assuming it's her crop. I've uploaded a photo with my girlfriend's hand to compare the size of the protrusion. She isn't in any pain, but we are concerned. Please advise if you have any ideas. Bless you!


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Can you check it first thing in the morning to see if it empties or gets smaller. Pendulous crop is a condition where the crop becomes over stretched from eating too much, and impacted or sour crop can occur. Crop bra is something that can be fastened to the chest to prevent overfilling the crop and to help in crop function. Does her crop feel firm, doughy or puffy? What are you feeding her? Here is a good article to help:

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