Lash I have to worry about my other hens who tried to eat it?


May 9, 2020
Northern NJ
My Speckled Sussex is dying, pretty sure it's Salpingitis, she didn't show any signs of anything wrong until way late last night. However, before that yesterday she apparently laid a lash egg in the coop, that my EE happened to come running out of the coop with very proudly squawking about how she found something to eat. They all did that steal from each other, until I was able to get it out of one's mouth and take it away. Do I have to worry about the numbnuts who tried eating this thing & had it in their mouths? I've attached a pic of the lash egg, it's my first experience with one, so I just want to be sure that's what it is as well.


  • lash egg.jpg
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It’s probably not a big deal that they snatched the lash material which it does look like. Salpingitis is the cause of lash eggs and masses inside the abdominal cavity from inflammation of the oviduct. E.coli and mycoplasma gallisepticum, and other bacteria or virus may be causes of salpingitis. Since chickens get a certain amount of bacteria in their beaks from pecking the ground where poop and dirt are, it shouldn’t kill them. Here is some reading about it:
I wouldn't worry too much about the birds that put this in their mouth for a second but I would worry about them suffering from the same illness.
The first thing you should do is take a good look at what you have been feeding your flock.
I wouldn't worry too much about the birds that put this in their mouth for a second but I would worry about them suffering from the same illness.
The first thing you should do is take a good look at what you have been feeding your flock.
I feed Purina Layena Crumbles, and in the AM I switch up the morning treat. If I do scratch one day (small dog bowl I throw around the run area, for 20 chickens and 3 ducks) I'll do grubblies the next, Romaine lettuce the next, or something similar. Might pop in with Clover from the yard during the day (not allowed to free range in my town) if I happen to see a bunch growing in the yard.
My Speckled Sussex is dying, pretty sure it's Salpingitis, she didn't show any signs of anything wrong until way late last night. However, before that yesterday she apparently laid a lash egg in the coop, that my EE happened to come running out of the coop with very proudly squawking about how she found something to eat. They all did that steal from each other, until I was able to get it out of one's mouth and take it away. Do I have to worry about the numbnuts who tried eating this thing & had it in their mouths? I've attached a pic of the lash egg, it's my first experience with one, so I just want to be sure that's what it is as well.
Any update on the rest of your birds? Did they also get salpingitis? Did you treat the whole flock for bacteria/viral illness?
Any update on the rest of your birds? Did they also get salpingitis? Did you treat the whole flock for bacteria/viral illness?
Everyone else wound up totally fine, and didn't treat them for anything internally. Not too long after, a few did get bumblefoot (my first time dealing with that) not sure if one had anything to do with the other. Thanks so much for checking in 😌

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