Lavendar Orpington Eye Discharge


Aug 25, 2023
Hello AGAIN,
Just got my BCM (Mara) better & now this morning when cleaning the run noticed my Lavendar Orpington (Belle) wasn't doing so good; standing & puffed. Looked closer & noticed her RIGHT eye had kind of a white milky spot & maybe slightly puffy in comparison to her left which looks normal. Belle is 19 mo. & in a molt. Just recently stopped laying (was getting an egg every 2 or 3 days. She does move around but haven't seen her eat or drink while in the run cleaning. I have removed her from the flock with food & WATER with electrolytes til I can figure out what's wrong with her.
How can I treat her to help her feel better. Hope it's not serious.
***Attaching pictures of her RIGHT eye.
***The coop picture shows where I'm keeping her. The left side on the bottom is separated from the run with hardware cloth. Flock can see each other but can't interact.

Please HELP!


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UPDATE: Okay, I'm a streesbag mess. Care too much about animals. Took a closer look. The white spot is minimal; comes & goes. Gave my girl a dose of Nutri-Drench. Rinsed her eye with sterile water.
Got her to drink a little water...but not much.
Ordered some Terramycin that should be here tomorrow.

Took out some cracked corn for the chilly 20's nite & observed her eating some feed. Hope she's drinking as well.

Anyone there that can give me advice?
Have you noticed any coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mucous, etc.?

I see bubbles in the eye which could indicate respiratory disease like Mycoplasma, but it also looks like she may have a couple of raw places on the eye and the bubbles are just due to injury.

General care if to flush the eye with saline, remove crust/pus/debris from the eye and apply an eye ointment like Terramcyin in the eye. Terramycin can be ordered online or often found in feed stores like TSC, but you usually have to ask for it - small tube, so it's locked in the medicine cabinet or behind the counter.

THANK YOU SO SO much. Circling the problem is VERY much appreciated. I would have NEVER picked up on that.

No coughing, sneezing, wheezing, mucous, etc. She seems fine other than this & keeping to herself.

I did order the ointment after seeing another post & should get it tomorrow. Will she be okay til then? Does she need to be isolated? What kind of saline do I buy & how often should I flush?

How/why did she get this?

I told my hubby 'I don't think I could find another chicken keeper that keeps a cleaner coop than I do. I try so hard but am VERY new to all of this.

I put her on the roost with the flock for the night so she could snuggle cuz temps will be down to 27* F. I don't heat my coop. When I moved her out of the sick bay, she was huddled back in the corner. There is a roost in there for them to use (18" off ground) & the other hens have used it when I've had to isolate them....but not her.

How serious is Mycoplasma & how can I know for sure?

Can't thank you enough 🙏
Have no idea how/why she has the raw area on the eye, could be from a peck or poke to the eye. She may have even done it to herself accidentally, had something in the eye and scratched it with a toenail.

If she's back with her flock, then I'd grab her tomorrow and start treating the eye. You can use purchased saline for the eyes that you can find at Walmart, CVS, etc. or look up DIY eye saline on the web and make your own (boiled water and table salt).

Mycoplasma is a respiratory disease - symptoms include bubbly eyes with mucous, coughing, sneezing, etc. If she's not showing symptoms other than the eye being irritated, for now I'd heavily lean that the bubbles are from injury, especially after looking at the photos.
I have some Vetericyn plus antimicrobial eye wash that I keep on hand for my Shih Tzu. Will that work? And can I leave her with the flock or isolate her again in the morning?
I have some Vetericyn plus antimicrobial eye wash that I keep on hand for my Shih Tzu. Will that work? And can I leave her with the flock or isolate her again in the morning?
Yes, you can use the Vetericyn, that will work.

If she's not getting picked on, then I'd leave her with her flock.
Yes, you can use the Vetericyn, that will work.

If she's not getting picked on, then I'd leave her with her flock.
So she really isn't bothered by the other girls. Mostly stays to herself.
Went out this am to get her & she stopped for a drink, (that's a good sign, right?) Treating her eye (2x daily) & gave Nutri-Drench dose #3 (1x daily). She is more responsive & I can tell she's getting stronger. However, I did notice some light wheezing (I think), then couldn't hear anymore after treatments.

Should I be using some VetRX?


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Yes, you can use the Vetericyn, that will work.

If she's not getting picked on, then I'd leave her with her flock.
So she really isn't bothered by the other girls. Mostly stays to herself.
Went out this am to get her & she stopped for a drink, (that's a good sign, right?) Treated her eye (2x daily) _ gave Nutri-Drench dose #3. She is more responsive & I can tell she's getting stronger. However, I did notice some light wheezing (I think), then couldn't hear anymore after treatments.
Glad to hear she's improving.

VetRx is what we call Vapor Rub for chickens. It won't necessarily hurt anything and it may give some minor relief to respiratory symptoms.
Behavior is improving... now waiting on her eye 😣
Thank you again

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