I am a new chicken owner and have a straight run of 7 Lavender Orpington Chickens. We bought seven in hopes of having at least two hens. We are almost sure that 4 are cockerels and at least one is a pullet. We are unsure of 2 but leaning towards cockerel for one and completely unsure of the other. Attached are pictures of #1 which we believe is a pullet, #2 which we are completely unsure of, and #3 which we are unsure of but are leaning towards cockerel. It will be disappointing if both #2 and #3 are cockerels because then we will only have one hen but are still hopeful. Please let me know what you think of these 3 chicks sexes.
#2 (completely unsure)
#3 (unsure but leaning towards cockerel)
I am a new chicken owner and have a straight run of 7 Lavender Orpington Chickens. We bought seven in hopes of having at least two hens. We are almost sure that 4 are cockerels and at least one is a pullet. We are unsure of 2 but leaning towards cockerel for one and completely unsure of the other. Attached are pictures of #1 which we believe is a pullet, #2 which we are completely unsure of, and #3 which we are unsure of but are leaning towards cockerel. It will be disappointing if both #2 and #3 are cockerels because then we will only have one hen but are still hopeful. Please let me know what you think of these 3 chicks sexes.
#2 (completely unsure)
#3 (unsure but leaning towards cockerel)