Lavender Orpington...straight run from breeder or sexed from hatchery?


6 Years
May 27, 2017
Hi all! I live in town (until I get my dream house one day!) and am limited on number of hens (no roosters). I am debating getting a straight run from a local breeder vs sexed from a hatchery. I have a friend who will take any cockerels. I like the idea of “guaranteed” pullets, but also the idea of a better stock of animal. Thoughts??
Get the hatchery birds. You might be unlucky and get all roosters if you go straight run, and "better stock" is better -very specifically- for showing, not health or egg laying. They are often very slow to mature - waiting 8 to 10 months for your first egg from show stock of a large or heavy breed is not uncommon.
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Hmm, I could see going either way on this, because at least you have a home ready in case it is a cockerel. But it would be a little upsetting too if you really want one of these and end up getting a boy (which means trying for a girl some other time).

I agree if you're interested in showing, or even breeding, then the breeder's birds have the potential of being much closer to standard. But if it's just as a backyard pet or an egg layer, hatchery bird should do just fine.

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