Laying hens avoiding laying in the nesting boxes?


May 11, 2024
I have about 7 pullets so far that are laying eggs. My coop has 3 nesting boxes that they have to step up into, and because they are shallow, I can only get about 2 inches of straw into them to make them more comfortable. All the hens seem to prefer laying in the shavings in 2 of the corners of the coop instead of laying in the nesting boxes. This isn't a huge deal, but I wondered if anyone had ideas about why they might be avoiding the nesting boxes? Thanks
Do you have fake eggs in the nest boxes to encourage them to use them?

I have the same question. I only have 1 layer so far but she has laid 2 eggs.. both in the corner of the coop in bedding while completely ignoring the nest boxes.
Do you have fake eggs in the nest boxes to encourage them to use them?

I have the same question. I only have 1 layer so far but she has laid 2 eggs.. both in the corner of the coop in bedding while completely ignoring the nest boxes.
Yes, I have multiple fake eggs. They knock them out of the nesting boxes when they go in there lol.
I have about 7 pullets so far that are laying eggs. My coop has 3 nesting boxes that they have to step up into, and because they are shallow, I can only get about 2 inches of straw into them to make them more comfortable. All the hens seem to prefer laying in the shavings in 2 of the corners of the coop instead of laying in the nesting boxes. This isn't a huge deal, but I wondered if anyone had ideas about why they might be avoiding the nesting boxes? Thanks
One of my new young hens prefers the sandbox under the roost most of the time. Sometimes she lays in box and other times not. I hate it because I have to wash the sand off and I prefer keeping them room temperature. Curious to see other responses....
Try using the shavings in the nesting boxes
My flock definitely prefers shavings to straw. They also prefer a thin coating of shavings in the boxes as they kick almost everything out whenever I add more shavings.
Most of my girls also regularly switch between laying in the nest boxes and laying in the corner beside the nest boxes. I only have one hen who always lays her egg in the same nest box :confused:
Yes, I have multiple fake eggs. They knock them out of the nesting boxes when they go in there lol.
Mine kicked the fake eggs out too when they first started laying. I once found a fake egg buried in the shavings all the way on the other side of the coop.
I have about 7 pullets so far that are laying eggs. My coop has 3 nesting boxes that they have to step up into, and because they are shallow, I can only get about 2 inches of straw into them to make them more comfortable. All the hens seem to prefer laying in the shavings in 2 of the corners of the coop instead of laying in the nesting boxes. This isn't a huge deal, but I wondered if anyone had ideas about why they might be avoiding the nesting boxes? Thanks
When they start out they can be a bit confused. When I got a big batch of chicks two years ago it was egg-laying chaos the first couple months, especially as I free-range mine.

I'd find eggs in the coop, eggs in the run, eggs in random planter boxes. I had one sit down next to me on the setee on my back deck and lay an egg next to me. One night I though I'd lost a pullet, and after an hour's search in my yard I found her in a hidden nest trying to stretch over a clutch of 17 eggs her and the others had stashed there.

After a while they finally got to where they lay in the nesting boxes, except in the hottest weather where some of them seek to lay elsewhere. In fact I set up some outdoor boxes for them to nest in when it's really hot so I don't have to go easter egg hunting.

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