Laying on side, stretching leg and wing


Mar 20, 2021
I am going to feel like an idiot because common sense tells me this is normal however the Chicken Vet group scares the heck out of me for my girls. Today I popped in to Grub Hub a slice of cucumber to my brooder flock of 6. Aggie, one of my Easter Eggers was laying on her side nonchalantly with her leg stretched out behind and to the side of her. Then she stretched her leg out further, curled her toes, pulled her leg in, and then stretched her wing out. Then she tucked all beneath her in a more dignified pose and peeped at me.

All seemed interested in the cucumber slice I presented, but none took a sample. I feel brutally rebuffed for my lack of culinary expertise in their eyes.

All were hatched the 8th of March and came home on the 10th. They are on Chick Crumble, Chick Grit, the occasional veggie slice, a few mealworms and lots of love. Today they were moved to a larger space (almost double what they had) and took time to explore. Then they took a nap. I came in on the tail end of naptime and woke them with an enthusiastic, "hello chickie babies!", which is when I saw her stretched out.

Common sense says...she was sleeping after exploring, so she needed a stretch. Worry says its some neurological disorder and she is at deaths door. She looks fine. Is eating fine. I am just a worry wart.
I am really just a beginner myself - my oldest hen is only 2 years old - but I think every new chickeneer experiences the 'oh no my chicken is dead or dying' when all they are doing is either sunbathing, dustbathing or napping.
The first time I saw mine dustbathing I thought they were having seizures!
I would keep an eye on her - but my guess is she is fine and just enjoyed a stretch.
She just sounds to be stretching. It is very freaky, recently one of my chicks have been doing that but she hides her head behind someone else so you can’t see. So I’ll be standing at the window looking at my flock and just see this chick that looks like her head is on the ground, then a go into panic mode as I go to check on her and she just pops her head up stairs at me. I think everyone has the moment when they think one of their chickens has died. But it turns out chickens are just trickster.
Just stretching! I had a sweet, off in the head Marans that would flop out and sunbathe next to my dog. Scared the heck out of me, but once you know they're not dead it's really cute. :)
Super cute. One of mine flops over on her side like she has been shot and just lies there soaking up the rays. It gets me every time!
Ok. I just went to say goodnight and they all blinked at me sleepily and are snuggled in what I call their loose pile. Next to each other but not snuggling as if they are cold. Also, as I put them in their new digs, they were excited but as each girl saw her friends leaving and not coming back they peeped for each other. I am hoping this means they are bonded and will be a happy little flock.

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