Leg/foot dragging video


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Premium Feather Member
Aug 9, 2020

9 year old Khaki Campbell named Teeny
Leg /foot injured I believe it was by slipping on ice
I’ve been treating her for a full week already
Inside in a large dog crate with a couple duck friends that are in the room for company, they have been sweethearts and lay right next to the crate to comfort her
She wasn’t eating so I have been
Tube feeding a slurry of duck feed with liquid b complex and meloxicam and nutridrench and glucosamine chondroitin w/msm
Also bathtub swimming therapy time, but she is a highly anxious duck & always has been so she keeps trying to fly out of the tub so-
I put her in a large tote to swim instead with a gate over the top, but she keeps trying to fly out and bump her head on the gate
No can afford vet for X-rays
I have carefully felt both legs several times to see if there is any difference I do not feel any swelling or anything out of order
I plan on treating her for a few more weeks and hope to see improvement, but if there is none I will likely put her to sleep.
Any feedback appreciated
Hi! I dont have any ducks or know much about them, but a similar thing happened to my silkie rooster. It got so bad he couldn't walk so we put him down. We concluded he was paralysed. This happened in the span of about 2 months (one day he just started tripping then he dragged his foot then he couldn't walk.) Could that possibly be starting with your duck? I'm thinking this because you don't feel any weirdness on her leg. The duck may not be eating because it is stunned or it cant get to the food. Hope it's not that though!!!
Is there a way to tell if it’s out of socket without an X-ray?
Quick response: are you able to move the leg with your finger over the end of the femur to feel if its firmly in place or moving around?

She may have a pelvic tumor impinging a nerve. My PingyWingy stopped walking over a couple of days. I did everything I could and eventually coughed up for an exotic vet. The X ray showed nothing amiss. The vet wondered about a pelvic tumor. He lived in a ducky wheelchair for nearly 6 months -- he was happy and still ruling the roost with his flock mates outside the screen porch where he sat during the day. He died unexpectedly and at that time a small mass was protruding by the side of his vent.

My boy's temperament was very different from yours. And he couldn't fly. I had him in the ducky wheelchair so he was suspended above his poop, not sitting in his poop. During the day he had a large tote on its end around the wheelchair -- not to stop him flying as he couldn't fly! -- but to protect him from my rambunctious puppies. Your girl might settle into such a situation with the tote just in case she tries to fly.
If you pinch her foot, does she flinch? Try pinching the good one first, that will give you an idea of how hard to do it. If she doesn't flinch, that would suggest she has no feeling in the foot.

You also should carefully palpate the good leg and get an idea of what it should feel like. Then palpate the bad leg, checking for abnormalities.
If you pinch her foot, does she flinch? Try pinching the good one first, that will give you an idea of how hard to do it. If she doesn't flinch, that would suggest she has no feeling in the foot.

You also should carefully palpate the good leg and get an idea of what it should feel like. Then palpate the bad leg, checking for abnormalities.
Ok I’ll do that in the morning, but what does it mean if she has no feeling in it?

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