Length of time turkey has yellow remaining in stool while mending from blackhead

Ju5t me

Jun 7, 2024
Hello all,
Does anyone know how many days of treatment for blackhead it takes for the yellow streaks to go away in the poo?
About 9 days ago we noticed our 10 week old turkey was not acting normal. She stood with her eyes closed, wouldn't forage, and was not flying or running around like normal. We immediately quarantined her from other birds and started research but was still unsure what was wrong. The next morning her appearance changed, swollen eye, almost looked like she was blind, ruffled, unkept feathers and then noticed the runny mustardy poo, very frothy looking. We immediately started treating for blackhead.
Now she is very active, eye swelling is gone and she did not lose her sight. Her poo is normal other then a few yellow streaks. She has been eating and drinking normal the entire time.
I don't know if we are getting a sense of false hope or not and also are curious how long the yellow stays in stool.

Thank you for having this thread, it eases our mind to know so many with turkey experience are at the ready to help us noobs

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