Lethargic chicken, eyes closed and fever


Jun 17, 2021
Houston, TX
Came home and found our cinnamon queen July laying down in the coop next to the waterer. Labored breathing, eyes bloodshot and almost closed, drooling. Some poop stuck close to her vent but not blocking it. I stuck my finger in to feel for a stuck egg but didn’t touch anything. Tried a warm bath and some water with electrolytes. Seems to be getting worse. No other chickens with symptoms. Did have a hawk attack about 3 weeks ago that got her tail feathers, but wound was superficial and with antibiotic ointment healed up super quickly with no issues. Any ideas what we can do? No antibiotics on hand but can try to find some if needed.


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I would continue to dip her beak in electrolyte water and offer some scrambled egg and wet chicken feed. Could she have been attacked by the others or hurt by a rooster? Don’t try bathing her, because she is too weak and it could kill her. Place her in a warm spot and keep her separated. How does her crop feel—empty and flat, full, squishy or firm? Does she normally lay eggs? What does her poop look like?
Haven’t seen her poop yet today, my daughter says she was fine this morning. No roosters and don’t think the other chickens did anything, she’s pretty high on the pecking order. I’ll see if she’ll eat.
Many times we don’t know what is going on when they become ill all at once. We check for mites and lice on the body under the vent and belly or elsewhere, consider worming, check for crop problems, look for a history of not laying eggs or having eggs with soft or thin shells. Reproductive disorders, crop issues, cancer are some of the finding we may see if we do a necropsy after death. Let us know how she gets along.
Solid history of laying normal eggs, but not sure on last egg since hers look similar to another of our chickens. She’s still very droopy, but starting to open eyes a little more. I’ll let you all know how she does.

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