Lethargic hatchery chick won't eat, advice appreciated!

Sylver Queen

Premium Feather Member
10 Years
Jul 21, 2014
Hello all!

My chicks came in the mail yesterday in record time and 18 were healthy and one was wobbly on her feet and wouldn't eat or drink. I thought it might be shock but even though she's capable of moving she favors one side, and mostly stays under the light. The only thing she has consumed has been dripped from my finger, and I've given her electrolytes, poultry cell, and finally an egg smoothie in an attempt to prolong her life.

She's not going to last much longer at 3 1/2 days old and never having eaten. The hatchery said to make sure she was warm enough but I got that thing so hot that everyone including her went to the other side of the brooder so that's not her problem. Being from a hatchery I figure she's unlikely to be contagiously ill or have parasites, so does anyone have any idea what could be wrong??

Thank you for any info!!! ♥️🙏


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Thank you for the response! I had a feeling she wouldn't survive but does anyone know what causes this or is it just maybe a weaker hatchling? Poor babies have it rough going through shipping too.
Malformation is my guess. I had an $18 chick not eat, drink or lay to sleep a few weeks ago. Not a fun process.
No, not at all. 🫶 I'm sorry, and I feel you. She wouldn't lie down to sleep at first but now she is, only she can't do much of anything else. I wondered about malformation because she doesn't look like she's breathing quite normally either. Not much longer I think, but then I'll honor her loss and move forward. Got some beautiful little dinosaurs to take care of. ❤️ Thank you for your reply!
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