Lethargic hen with unknown illness, help?


Aug 20, 2024
One of my 2-year-old Cuckoo Marans has been sick for the last 3 days, but her symptoms aren't getting worse (or better) and I'm at a loss for what might be the culprit. She's isolating herself during the day and sleeping away from the other two chickens at night, so I know she's not feeling well. She's eating and drinking a bit, but moving much slower than normal and just standing and staring blankly away from the yard (like she's put herself in a corner). From what I can tell, she's not egg bound, doesn't have sour crop or any other recognizable illness. She just seems sick in general? I'm planning to bring her inside tonight to watch more closely, but is there anything that I'm missing that could be the culprit?
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Hello! Can you do a nice Epsom salt bath for her. Hold her gently in the water while she floats. She may even fall asleep. I would also dose her with calcium citrate.
One of my 2-year-old Cuckoo Marans has been sick for the last 3 days, but her symptoms aren't getting worse (or better) and I'm at a loss for what might be the culprit. She's isolating herself during the day and sleeping away from the other two chickens at night, so I know she's not feeling well. She's eating and drinking a bit, but moving much slower than normal and just standing and staring blankly away from the yard (like she's put herself in a corner). From what I can tell, she's not egg bound, doesn't have sour crop or any other recognizable illness. She just seems sick in general? I'm planning to bring her inside tonight to watch more closely, but is there anything that I'm missing that could be the culprit?
Welcome to BYC.
Inspect her closely especially around the vent area for lice and/or mites. I also recommend that you inspect the other two birds and worm all three of them. I recommend Valbazen or Safeguard liquid goat wormer.
How is she doing?
Thanks for checking! The same, unfortunately. She's still eating some but otherwise just moving slow. I've got her separated still and am hoping the isolated rest and healthy food I'm giving her will help (yogurt, berries, hard boiled egg, etc).
What do her droppings look like? How does her crop feel, empty, full, hard, soft and squishy, etc? Also feel her abdomen, below the vent between the legs for any bloat, either water balloon like or very firm. How is her weight, is the keel bone very pronounced and sharp, or is the breast well muscled? Do you know when she last laid? Is she showing any signs of molt?
What do her droppings look like? How does her crop feel, empty, full, hard, soft and squishy, etc? Also feel her abdomen, below the vent between the legs for any bloat, either water balloon like or very firm. How is her weight, is the keel bone very pronounced and sharp, or is the breast well muscled? Do you know when she last laid? Is she showing any signs of molt?
Droppings are dark green but otherwise regular-ish, her eating is reduced so I imagine that's why. Her crop feels normal. Her abdomen might be a little squishy but I don't have a good comparison for how it usually is. Weight also seems normal for now. She hasn't laid in at least a week. No molting yet, but she started molting around this time last year but it was quite noticeable.
You can compare her abdomen with another similar bird, might help. The green droppings may be from not eating well. Molt is not always obvious and can vary year to year. Sometimes you might miss it altogether if you aren't looking for it. I would keep an eye out for pin feathers, sometimes they are most obvious under the wings. You can try giving some Poultry Nutri Drench for a few days, see if it helps her appetite. Don't use for longer than that, it can cause diarrhea. You might also try some higher protein treats, cooked or scrambled egg, canned tuna, etc. to see if she will eat that. Adding a B complex or super B complex tablet or capsule is often helpful when they are not eating well. Any brand, human ones from any pharmacy can be used, no worry on overdosing, extra will excreted.

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