Hi we are into our 6th year of chicken keeping and have noticed our girls have significantly slowed down / stopped laying and more feathers around the coop. I assumed it was the rooster but upon inspecting the flock we have seen several hens have lice. This is a first for us. We have a mixed flock of 31 chickens, duck, geese and a guinea hen. We purchased Permectrin ii at the vets suggestion. We sprayed everyone in the flock 2 sprays under each wing, one on the back of the neck and one at the vent area. The instructions say to spray 12-18 inches away. Isn’t this a product that only kills on contact? Certainly this method did not and would not get all of the under feathers. Unless once it gets to the skin works kind of like how Frontline liquid works on the back of a cats neck? Anyone know? Anyhow we took everything out of coop and run and treated those areas too. We decided to treat again two weeks later. Upon checking the girls they had lice still on them. We decided to make the diluted dip and just dip them thinking that would be more effective. Is there something better or easier? Also I have been collecting the feathers everyday from the coop and inspecting them. I found two feathers that had a handful of mites (looked reddish), on the base of the other wise clean feathers (no eggs). I checked all girls again and do not see anyone with mites. I have been wiping the roosting bars and no mites on them. However there was a stump in the run that when I moved I saw a ton under it. Obviously removed that and burned it. Treated run and put down some DE. I normally do not like using that or chemicals. But I do not want to lose members of or flock to this! Any help or advice is appreciated. Thank you!
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