I think that many of you have been following along with snowball. She is my sick chicken that I have no idea what’s wrong with. People thought that she might have reproductive issues or malnourishment or heart issues, but I think that I know the problem now.
Decreased eating, sitting in cup, falling on butt, walking with toes curled, un balanced. Read more here:
ANYWAYS: the lice.
Up till yesterday, I had thought that the eggs on her head were simply dead skin cells that were being built up because she had not been fist bathing. This is because she was sick. Anyway, she has a bunch of eggs on her head. And then I saw lice. A lot of of them. I had not seen them. I have pictures down below, but right now I will describe them. So many, very small, like to eat at roots of feathers.
It appeared that only three of the other chickens had a few eggs on them with snowball being by FAR the worst case. I sprayed down every single chicken that I own. I also washed snowball fully (as in she was soaked to the skin and very very clean) and then blow dried her. She’s in my heated garage with water and food. I sprayed her a lot.
I sprayed with elector PSD.
Any advice or tips? Mainly I want to know WHAT ARE THESE PESTS???
Decreased eating, sitting in cup, falling on butt, walking with toes curled, un balanced. Read more here:
ANYWAYS: the lice.
Up till yesterday, I had thought that the eggs on her head were simply dead skin cells that were being built up because she had not been fist bathing. This is because she was sick. Anyway, she has a bunch of eggs on her head. And then I saw lice. A lot of of them. I had not seen them. I have pictures down below, but right now I will describe them. So many, very small, like to eat at roots of feathers.
It appeared that only three of the other chickens had a few eggs on them with snowball being by FAR the worst case. I sprayed down every single chicken that I own. I also washed snowball fully (as in she was soaked to the skin and very very clean) and then blow dried her. She’s in my heated garage with water and food. I sprayed her a lot.
I sprayed with elector PSD.
Any advice or tips? Mainly I want to know WHAT ARE THESE PESTS???