light molt no eggs


11 Years
May 28, 2013
I have a 15 month old Polish chicken, who was laying eggs regularly. She went broody, no eggs. Her last egg was end of July then she went into a light molt in September. Hasn't laid any eggs since July still. I've been checking all of them and there's no sign of mites or anything. She didn't lose a lot of feathers and from what I can see all have come back. I up her protein as well. I'm in located outside of Chicago area. My new girls are still laying and haven't molted they're about 6 months old.Is this normal?
I have a 15 month old Polish chicken, who was laying eggs regularly. She went broody, no eggs. Her last egg was end of July then she went into a light molt in September. Hasn't laid any eggs since July still. I've been checking all of them and there's no sign of mites or anything. She didn't lose a lot of feathers and from what I can see all have come back. I up her protein as well. I'm in located outside of Chicago area. My new girls are still laying and haven't molted they're about 6 months old.Is this normal?
Totally normal. You 6 month olds shouldn't molt until next year, your 1 1/2 year old will start when she starts which may not be until the days start lengthening again
Last year mine all quit laying beginning of Sept. until about Christmas. What a pain, had to buy eggs. This year they laid until about 2 weeks ago (October) and I'm still getting 1 egg a day from some dedicated hen. I've never understood why they don't molt until cool weather. It is usually 95 degrees around here all summer and they pant and find shade, that would be a perfect time to molt but no, they wait until overnight lows go down to 40s or 30s to shed their warm feathers.
I have one of my EE that is still molting. But she started after the others. I have checked for mites and other critters. All good there thank god. Now all of them dont go in at night since its gotten colder and we added a higher roost in the run. They all are up there instead of the coop. We added another roost in there as well thinking they needed more room. I have to put them in at night now. Thinking it's the time change, colder and we had to move coop over to new location. I'm going to take down the new one in the run and see what happens. We have ventilation, I might add more.

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