Limping Chicken?


6 Years
Sep 22, 2017
Hello, I have a BSL that's been acting weird all day. She's limping on one leg and for a while, her leg shook violently and her toes curled when I picked her up. Her poop seems fine and her behavior is normal, except she sometimes lays down. She's eating regularly. Anyone know what's wrong with her? Last week, another chicken of mine had past away suddenly exhibiting similar symptoms and I don't want this one to as well. :(
I gave her Metacam 0.5mg/kg a few hours ago, but it hasn't changed anything.
Here's a video of her leg shaking:
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The video doesn't work. If you post it to Youtube and then copy the link and post it here, it will embed as a watchable video on this site.

Have you checked between her toes for greenish bruising? Are there any sources of petroleum distillates where your chickens roam? Machinery leaking fluids? Insecticides? Places where paint brushes have been cleaned and the fluid tossed?
The video is just a few seconds and shows tremors of the leg and foot. How old is she? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease? I would check to see if there is any sign of a leg or back injury. Get some vitamins with electrolytes, and get her drinking. Do you have anyPoultry NutriDrench or similar? Riboflavin or vitamins B2 can cause curled under toes and weakness of the legs. So can Mareks disease, and sometimes an injury. It may take some time to figure out what is going on. Make sure that she is close to her food and water, so if necessary, placing her in a dog crate may be helpful.
The video doesn't work. If you post it to Youtube and then copy the link and post it here, it will embed as a watchable video on this site.

Have you checked between her toes for greenish bruising? Are there any sources of petroleum distillates where your chickens roam? Machinery leaking fluids? Insecticides? Places where paint brushes have been cleaned and the fluid tossed?
She's 3 years old and unvaccinated. I tried to check for leg injuries but couldn't find any.
The video doesn't work. If you post it to Youtube and then copy the link and post it here, it will embed as a watchable video on this site.

Have you checked between her toes for greenish bruising? Are there any sources of petroleum distillates where your chickens roam? Machinery leaking fluids? Insecticides? Places where paint brushes have been cleaned and the fluid tossed?
Her toes don't have any bruising from what I can see and there shouldn't be any petroleum distillates nearby.
Here's a picture of her feet.


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