Little bantam struggling

Hippie SkiSlope

In the Brooder
Apr 18, 2020
I have a little bantam rooster new to my flock. We acquired another person’s birds due to municipal ordinance issues. The night they came to us (approx 2 weeks ago), the lady told me she was concerned about him because his comb was purple. Fortunately, by the next morning he perked up. Fast forward a bit and my kids gave become completely attached because he’s very docile and adores being carried and fussed over….2 days ago we found him laying on his side in the run. He was extremely lethargic and his comb purple and crop empty. We brought him in and I slowly gave him molasses water. He perked up after a bit and ate a good amount over the next couple of hours. I gave him a bit of cayenne powder in water to stimulate circulation. By evening his comb was normal, he was walking around the house, so we returned him to the coop for the night. The next morning he seemed fine. We ensured he ate. By late afternoon he returned to being lethargic, purple comb, just generally unwell. We have him isolated in the coop but I can’t keep bringing him in and nursing him. He was much the same today despite a bit of molasses water several times throughout the day. His crop feels empty again. I’d normally just cull at this point, but my kids adore him and he really is a cool little rooster. The lady we got the birds from said bantams are prone to cardiac issues. Today, our air quality was particularly bad supposedly due to the Canadian fires. Any ideas and holistic remedies appreciated. I have a well stocked herbal apothecary and extensive homeopathy.


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