Little giant =GIANTpile of junk


11 Years
Apr 29, 2009
Got it from a neighbor who paid $20 for it .still air with egg turner still new in boxes...what a huge pile of chicken poo... all the little plastic egg holders that wont clamp to the channel on bottom ..eggs laying all over every morning....just about no control on heat as you move the know the very tinyest bit might be 2 degrees..
if i can get temp anywhere near steady i might try it as a hatcher.. anyone have ideas to fasten plastic egg holders to frame??
Yep, that's why I drop kicked mine into the trash long ago!!
I only used mine to incubate 12 days. Then finaly found a used sportsman. Thank GOD!!!! I use it now only as a hatcher. I don't have to keep opening the bator to remove chicks. NEVER again will I buy ANYTHING LG!!!!!!!!! Even the 3 Thermometers I bought 3 mind you 3 LG thermometers, ALL WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!
I have one, but I don't use automatic turners...I turn them all by hand. But my Little Giant works awesome for me. The only fluctuation in temp/humidity is when I open it to turn eggs. I've had great hatches with mine. I really think a lot of success/failures has to do with conditions where you live (where you live). I'm sorry for your hardships with yours.

ETA: It's amazing how much fluctuations can be stopped with an LG if you simply elevate the bottom of the bator off of the table and cover the top with a thin blanket. It works wonders. You still get the air flow through the bottom, but the humidity and temps are held steady by the incubator being covered. That's just what I do, anyways.
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The only hope for one of those things, IMHO, is to just crank up the heat and then install a "real" thermostat on it which would override the LG's desire to bake your eggs.

I played with a borrowed LG still-air a few days ago and for the time being, the only thing I would use that thing for is as a bun warmer.
I can understand your frustration. I also got a used LG an in the beginning could not get the temp to stabilize. Then I discovered that the wafer was bad. Put a new wafer in for $11.00 and that thing only varies about 1/2*. Keep in mind that if the temp in the room changes a lot it will affect the LG. As for the turner cups, I would replace them. You can buy new ones.
I also had a fan so I put it in and so far I am happy with my LG. I have eggs due to hatch Feb 22.
Good luck and don't give up on the LG yet. They are a little touchy to get set but then seem to work well.
Sorry you had such bad luck. Thank goodness not a whole lot was spent on it. I was given one recently and I'm trying incubating in it now, so far so good with no problems and no fluctuations. I also use a Hovabator 1588 & a brinsea mini advance, so I want to see how this still air compares to those two. Good luck finding something that works better for you.
I'm with You!....I hatched over 100 eggs with mine last year. I also turn by hand. Before I close it, I mist the eggs with warm water to bring the humidity back up. I'm going to get another one. Best $40 I ever spent!
I think you have to be willing to experiment and try different things to get the LG's, especially the still airs, to work the way you want. I added a plant tray (sized 4 x 12 inches) with water and sponges in it, also added a sandwich size Glad bag filled with water, put water only in the two outside wells in the incubater bottom, and elevated the incubator one inch off the table (and placed a square microwave glass tray with paper towels and water underneath). The temperature has been relatively stable, staying right around 100.6 (+/- .2 degrees), and the humidity is consistently around 44 percent (+/- 2%). So far, the three eggs I have left are developing properly (I had six eggs, but three of them had shell defects and wouldn't have hatched despite me). I'll find out next Tuesday if my fiddling worked or not.

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